Sunday, January 4, 2009

Three Great Reasons To Start Currency Trading

Most people shudder at the thought of Forex Trading because they think that it is very high risk trading because of the great amount of leverage involved. However the money making potential in Forex Trading is huge when compared to other financial instruments worldwide.

This article will highlight three great reasons why you should consider Forex Trading or at least a managed Forex Trading Account when considering between the multitude of investment instruments available on the market today.

Firstly, the forex market is the most liquid financial market in the world today. This means practically that even in a falling or rising market, there will always be a ready buyer or seller on the market. Most of us have been caught in situations where we want to sell a stock but there are no ready buyers in a falling market.

The great amount of liquidity in the forex market today, means that not only can you sell your currency fast but you can also acquire it fast as well and in rapid succession. That's one reason why George Soros managed to funnel large amounts of money through the several South East Asian currencies during the currency crisis and made huge amounts of money in the process.

Secondly, the forex market is a true global market meaning that it operates 24/7 during the weekdays. This means that if you really wanted to, you could trade through the night and the day. Thankfully there is forex trading software now that helps you monitor trades and hunt for good trading opportunities and when you just enter your trading strategy, and the robot takes over and closes your position for you. The trading platforms now are so robust that you can set your downside indicators to close your position when it falls below a pre-set number so that you do not lost money even while you are sleeping.

[ForexGen Demo Accounts Contest]

Win Cash Prizes

[ForexGen] has the pleasure to announce the launching of the Demo Account contest on the first of every month.

Interested clients who wish to participate in this event shall send an e-mail request on including the following information:
- Full name:
- Phone number

Also provide us with the following identification document:

" Certified copy of the information pages of account holder current valid passport or government issued photo ID"

After we receive your request we will provide you with further details and with your [demo account] login information which will be used in the trading contest.

By the end of each contest:

1. All participants that manages to open at least 20 lots will be awarded a Live Account with $50 credit
2. All participants that manages to open at least 20 lots and keep their demo account initial balance will be awarded a Live Account with $100 credit

3. The highest 5 accounts with the highest profits (including the floating P/L) will be awarded a Live Account with $250 credit.

The contest starts on the first Sunday of each month at 10 pm GMT and ends on the last Friday of that month at 10 pm GMT.

For more information about our current and future promotions, kindly contact one of our customers support agents at

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