Monday, December 15, 2008

Research and Markets: Snapshots U.S. Facial Moisturisers 2008

Research and Markets: Snapshots U.S. Facial Moisturisers 2008: 2007 Year-End Market Size Data, with 2008 Estimates

Snapdata's Snapshots US Facial Moisturisers 2008 provides 2007 year-end market size data, with 2008 estimates, 5 years of historical data and five-year forecasts. The Snapshots report gives an instant overview of the US facial moisturiser market and covers facial moisturisers, facial cleansers, facial anti-ageing creams and acne treatments. Market value is based on retail sales. The data is supplied in both graphical and tabular format for ease of interpretation and analysis. The Snapshots US Facial Moisturisers 2008 forms part of the Cosmetics & Toiletries industry coverage.
Snapshots Report Overview:

The Executive Summary within a Snapshots report outlines the main findings of the report (market size, market shares and market forecasts)

Market size is the measure of the total value or volume of a particular product sold in a particular length of time. In our case it is the total amount of the market covered by a title in the last whole year, for example, in UK Beer 2005, all the beer consumed in the UK in 2004. The aim of the report is to tell how much of the product was consumed in the country discussed by value and by volume.

Market Segmentation is a segmentation of the market by key product categories, ideally by value and volume. For example: the yoghurt market can be segmented into: drinking yoghurt, flavoured yoghurt and natural yoghurt.

Market Share is the share of each competitor in the market place and can be expressed in value or volume terms.

Market Share by Volume - each competitor's share of the total Market Volume Market Share by Value - each competitor's share of the total Market Value

This measure of the market relates to the different distribution channels to market for each product. The distribution can include the following channels
Socio-Economic data

The key socio-economic indicators in each report will be:

* Size of population GDP - Gross Domestic Product Inflation rate Exchange rate


All market forecasts are based on statistical forecasting techniques based on historic performance (linear extrapolation of the market size, based on the five-year historical growth). These statistical tools are supplemented with qualitative parameters such as: industry expectation/opinion. Socio-economic drivers, new product development, technological advances, expected levels of market saturation etc.

Further Sources

In this section we include important websites such as trade bodies or trade associations relevant to the market. All sources whose data we have used in the report and who have given us permission to use their data are represented here.

All secondary sources in local and global languages are scoured, from government statistics to trade magazines. As the Snapdata model is unique as a product and non-competitive to specialist publishers, the company has also been able to develop strong relationships with companies such as Gartner and ACNielsen, who provide secondary data points to cross check research.

Snapdata aims for 3 to 4 data points for each table, and no secondary data point will be used without written permission from the original source, which not only verifies the quality, but also provides the integrity to use the data. Once all secondary sources have been exhausted, the language specialist researcher will then complete semi-structured telephone interviews with the major companies in the industries to cross check and verify all data available.

Benefits of the Snapshots Reports

The Snapdata product range is designed to save time for clients by providing an industry data overview, market size, shares and forecasts; verified with full sourcing.

Easy to search, quick to access, and clear and concise to use: Snapdata reports can save 40% of resources in those early stages of a project. Sometimes just a report from the Snapshots Series is all that is required for an internal client's first request. But when the project develops, the reports also help your internal research team prepare a fuller picture for their end-users utilizing the further sources provided in each report for industry drivers and analytical information, enabling them to provide a more detailed document based on solid figures but tailored to the end-users' requests.

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